Chinese Peasant Paintings from Shaanxi Province
Exhibit and Sale
October 22–November 25, 2011
Opening Reception Saturday, October 22nd, 2-6 pm
Sun Gallery Chinese Art and Antiques presents a unique collection of colorful peasant paintings from Hu County in Shaanxi Province, China, October 22 through November 25, 2011.
It was seventeen years ago when Sun Gallery owner Jenny Sun first saw the colorful paintings of Hu County, near Xi'an, and immediately fell in love with this lively "peasant art" style.
The artists are everyday people without specialized art training, who paint as a hobby. The joyous and simple bright colors and designs of these paintings capture the themes and motifs of daily life in rural China, truly capturing "the heart" of the people.
China has changed dramatically since that time, even in the rural areas. The folk arts commonly practiced—papercutting, sculpture, painting—have now been collected by individuals and museums, as peasant life has modernized.
Sun Gallery Chinese Art & Antiques
1500 Jackson Street NE, Suite 451, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Open every Saturday, 12–4 p.m.